Sunday, 11 January 2015

Body Flush and Detox Water

I highly recommend drinking warm lemon water daily in the morning. It has so many great benefits for your body. From noticing a difference in the way you feel to your skin and just flushing out any extras!  So not only does this look refreshing but it seriously is something anyone could be drinking every day!  So off to the grocery store to make your own mason jars!!!

1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 or 2 oranges
2 limes
12 mint leaves
dash of cayenne pepper

spoon of raw honey to sweeten

Slice them all and divide into 4 mason jars (24 oz).fill them up with water. Drink daily

*** once empty I filled up jar again throughout the day.

  • Lemons: help aid in absorption of sugars and calcium and cuts down cravings for sweets.  Also known to stimulate the liver’s natural enzymes by helping to oxygenate the body.
  • Cucumbers: act as a diuretic and flush fat cells. It is likr alkalizing your body (if you have an alkaline body no diseases can live there) & increasr your energy levels.
  • Limes: promote a healthy digestive track.
  • Mint: is a natural appetite suppressant that also aids in digestion.
  • Cayenne Pepper: stimulates the circulatory system by opening the capillaries, aids digestion, and helps regulate blood sugar. Furthermore, and very importantly, it increases the temperature of your body and kick-starts your metabolism, which, yes, can help you to lose weight over time. Be sure to always buy non-irradiated cayenne pepper (and all spices) since irradiation negates the health benefits of spices.

This drink is also a great energy booster, and has replaced my morning green tea. When we wake up, our bodies are dehydrated. Rather then drinking coffee, which is a diuretic and further dehydrates the body, warm lemon cayenne pepper water gives our bodies the hydration it needs with the added perks of the lemon and cayenne pepper. It is an all-around super-stimulant.

I follow this with about a half glass of plain water, and wait 15-30 minutes before eating breakfast to let the drink work its magic.

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